Melissa over at Grace Christian Homeschool nominated my blog for the Liebster award!
From what I can gather about the award, “The Liebster Award is for small blogs (fewer than 200 followers) that can be described as dearest, sweet, beloved, kind, or favorite.” Being new to the “blogosphere”, I am so touched in her recognition of my little site, and her overwhelmingly kind words:
” I love your Classical Conversations lapbooks and the beauty of your work. Thank you for your kindness and sharing your talent. It has been a pleasure talking with you and I look forward to getting to know you better!” ~ Melissa
Thank you Melissa! This means so much to me! I am thrilled to be able to share my work with all of you moms out there working hard to teach your children! It is such a blessing when I recieve comments and emails from you letting me know how much you enjoy the work I do. What an encouragement you all are to me! It is my hope that the resources I create and the stories I share will encourage you on your homeschool journey, and make that journey a little more fun!
Now it is time to pass on the blessings and share this award with other small blogs that I think are fabulous:
And the nominees are….
1. Brandy @ Half a Hundred Acre Wood – What a blessing she has been to me! She shares her ideas for homeschooling with Classical Conversations that make it easy to find extra resources to supplement our learning! I love how you can see her servant heart and generous spirit right through the lines on her blog!
2. Kim @ My Little Corner – Oh, how I just love her writing! So poetic and real, it draws me in every time! If your looking for a fellow traveler willing to share the real parts of life and awaken to the moments, you should really stop by here!
3. Elizabeth @ In the Heart of My Home – I love her Real Learning Booklists and other resources! A mom with a heart to nourish her children’s hearts right along with their bellies! Now who wouldn’t like that?
4. Mama Squirrel @ Dewey’s Treehouse – She just has some great stuff for us moms who love the Charlotte Mason style – whole learning at the heart!
5. JeriAnn @ More Hugs and Kisses – Ok, so this is a personal friend of mine, but I just love her posts! They get me excited to be a little messier in the name of education!
Don’t forget to post a comment and let these folks know how much you like their site! We all like a little blogger love every once in a while!
Blessings, Karen
dear karen,
your words were the sweetest gift to discover and read. *thannk you* for the award, for reaching out and for your own beautiful blog that i most definitely will be reading on a regular basis.
you have blessed me so richly and i just had to say “thanks”.
now, to choose just 5…:)
with love,
You are so welcome! I am looking forward to reading the blogs you have awarded. I love encouragement from other moms out there and try to pass it along as well!
God Bless!