Is your student comfortable speaking in front of people, but missing that “wow” factor? Do you wish they did a better job of capturing the audience’s attention?
“Public Speaking for Kids” gives your student specific skills to communicate confidently. But don’t take my word for it!….
Praise for “Public Speaking for Kids“:
“We have loved this curriculum so far! The best part is how easy it is to use and how well-organized each week is. I like how each week a new presentation skill is added. The cue picture that goes along with each new skill makes incorporating that skill into the speech easy. My kids like how the outline pages provide just the right amount of guidance while keeping it simple.” – Sarah M., Parent
“Pull-out and go! Very user-friendly! No need to struggle with what to teach next! Excellent check-off list! The kids love it! They can’t wait to present! I have had students tell me on Sunday that they can’t wait to give their speech on Friday! They beg to do their presentations! The curriculum helps develop excellent speakers / presenters when they are young! It takes so little time and the rewards are tremendous!” – Michelle K., Public Speaking Co-op Instructor
“This speech curriculum has been an excellent resource for our family. It is extremely easy to use. My children’s ability to create and present speeches has greatly improved.” – Whitney M., Parent
There are just 4 more days to save 40% on the digital download of “Public Speaking for Kids”!

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