I HAVE AN EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT and a GIVEAWAY!!! Are any of you frustrated with our culture that sells cheap lust and casual friendship as if it is real love? Add to that an attitude of "its-all-about-me" and self-entitlement, and you have a recipe for disaster. With Valentines Day on the horizon, I am anticipating the conversation hearts and heart-shaped chocolate boxes that will be filling the store shelves. While I love any excuse for chocolate, I sense that the sweet message … [Read more...]
My Memory Work Lapbooks 1.1-1.4 Quick Print Guide!!!
I am so excited to return to Cycle 1 with the ten commandments and some Ancient History! As I prep for the upcoming school year, I remembered that I posted a quick-print guide when I first released the Lapbooks for Cycle 1. Here are the links for all of you! Lapbook 1.1 Quick Print Guide Lapbook 1.2 Quick-Print Guide Lapbook 1.3 Quick Print Guide Lapbook 1.4 Quick Print Guide Happy Lapbooking! Blessings, Karen … [Read more...]
Our 2014-2015 Curriculum Choices
Memory Work – First and foremost, we will be focusing on our Memory Work. Every year when I evaluate what really stuck with my kids and what they can then use to apply to new understanding, the Memory work stands out high above other forms of learning in the grammar stage. In addition to our CC memory work, we will be memorizing the following things primarily using resources that connect it to song. For our CC memory work, I also choose to download … [Read more...]
Plan vs. Reality….a Look at What Really Happened…
I love reading about other homeschooler's curriculum choices, and what goes on in their homeschool days! Many times though, I just see posts of what the plans for the year are, but am left wondering if the year turned out like they planned, and what they would have done differently. So, I decided I should post an update of what I had planned versus how the year turned out for us. I basically cut and pasted my old post with my plans from the beginning of the school year last fall in BLACK, and … [Read more...]
A “Challenge” for Me…
I love to read. Really, a great day to me would involve a light rain tapping on large windows, me cuddle up with a blanket on a couch, and fire crackling beside me in the fireplace (which I don't have by the way). Next to me is a warm cup of coffee a few good books and my Bible. Other than the rain there would be no sound, no interruption, and I could just get lost in the book, underlining, dog-earing the pages, and writing in the margins. The reality is that I think OSHA would deem the … [Read more...]
Scripture Memory: Ideas for Ephesians
Hey you guys! You can do this! Ok, so this picture might be a stretch, but how adorable is he? It reminds me of Smokey the Bear when I was little saying "only you can prevent forest fires!" Does anyone else remember that?? Anyone? Anyone? Back to topic...... This year, we will be memorizing Ephesians 6 within our Classical Conversations Community. At home, there are a number of ways to learn and review this … [Read more...]
When You Need a Schedule: Day 7 – It All Comes Together
Day 7 The Schedule Comes Together! Last time we left off, you were Adding it Up - listing the activities for each member of the schedule and making sure they don't exceed 24. You were also thinking about how to Redefine your Day. How did you do? Today is the fun part - the day where you schedule starts to take shape! This schedule is meant to be your "standard schedule". That means, on any … [Read more...]
When You Need a Schedule: Day 6 – Redefining Your Day
Day 6 Redefining Your Day Last time we left off, you were Adding it Up - listing the activities for each member of the schedule and making sure they don't exceed 24. How did you do? Today we are going to take a bigger look at those time schedules you put together and see if we can tweak them a bit to help them accomplish your overall vision a little bit better. (Using the Free Family Scheduling Template might … [Read more...]
When You Need A Schedule: Day 5 – Adding it Up
Day Five Adding It Up...... Hello there! So glad you guys are joining me as we create some family schedules that work for our families! In the last post, your task was to create your Activity List, either on a piece of paper, or using the Free Family Scheduling Template I created for you. Now that you have identified the activities you need to do, and want to do, it is time to step back and see what is actually realistic. … [Read more...]
When You Need a Schedule – Day 4
Day Four: Activity List By now you should have 2-3 sentences that outline your general Vision statements or objectives as a family, and taken a look at your activities to make sure they align with those objectives. You have also identified the amount of sleep each member in your family needs, and developed a start and end time to your day by identifying a bedtime and rise time (and nap times) for each member of your … [Read more...]