Yesterday I mentioned this great online women's Bible Study group - Good Morning Girls - free and fun! What a joy it has been to join with other women in making daily time in the Word a priority, and encouraging and uplifting one another! Yesterday I linked up the song to memorize Colossians 1:1-14 (this week's verses), and today I would like to share the song to help you memorize Colossians 1:15-23 (next … [Read more...]
When You Just Need others on The Same Journey….{plus:free scripture memory song}
A number of weeks ago I was delighted to find the Good Morning Girls website - where a group of women gather to encourage one another to dig into the Word daily. A new series just started on Monday and I am so excited to join in! It's not too late! You can jump in on the fun and accountability! Or better yet, start your own small group to follow along as well! Anyway, I have learned through our grammar-stage classical school studies that even this old brain can … [Read more...]