A couple years ago, God placed this deep desire for discipleship on my heart. At the same time, he was working in the heart of a friend of mine on that very thing. We both felt passionate to share the gospel with the women around us in a very real and tangible way. Everywhere I looked were women in despair, hopelessness, frustration, and numb to the world around them. My heart just wanted to cry out to them, to let them know Christ who heals all unbearable, and seemingly unbreakable … [Read more...]
My Story – How Wisdom And Righteousness Began….Part 1
A number of people have asked me how I ended up with this website, and so I thought it was the time to share the story with you.... In September of 2008, I started blogging back before anyone even really knew what blogging was. It started as just a place to write what I felt God was teaching me as I studied his Word, and I hoped that someone would read it and actually hear the gospel - not just hear the story, but that the gospel would become real to them. I just loved writing, and my … [Read more...]
Bare Souls
We are so comfortable with a casual glance and hello, than we are with deep conversations and life stories. It is so much easier to connect with people on a level just below the surface and than to reveal our struggles and inadequacies. And so we move through life, never knowing deep friendship. Afraid that if someone really knew us, they wouldn't like us that much. Probably because we know ourselves pretty well, and there are times we don't like ourselves that much either. We put on our … [Read more...]
When It is Not For Our Good…
It started back in April - the signs of illness starting to rear it's ugly head. We tried a number of obvious solutions which failed to deliver a cure. More doctors, more tests, more unknowns. Extreme fatigue and nausea left me unable to do much and my five young kids learning to fend for themselves. There were so many people praying for healing, and so much advice. I was thankful for the prayers. So thankful. I started out praying for healing, but healing continued to allude. And others … [Read more...]
Whatever you do…..
I ponder long, racking my brain for what words I might pen to a one-line statement. How do I summarize a life? We spend our lives with words - speaking who we are out loud to others, but also the conversations in the deep inner parts. Those words that bring worry or regret, rejoicing or peace. We turn words over, repeating them. They have the power to encite, to stirr up anger and wrath or to calm - a peaceful hymn murmered when things are turning sour and you just have to hold. on. … [Read more...]
The Woman
Four years ago I was still working full-time with three kids, and a fourth on the way. Around that time, I wrote a post for (in)courage which is a division of Dayspring (the Christian cards, etc.) A few days ago, a friend asked me to re-post that article from the archives. Although my situation has changed - I am no longer rushing to work outside the home, but am in our fourth year of homeschooling, and we now have a fifth baby due soon - this post still resonates with me, urging me forward. … [Read more...]
When You Just Want to Be a Good Mom…
A post from the archives, for Mother's Day... It struck me today How good readers first must read How good runners first must run How good cooks first must cook How a good Momma first must be a Momma When I wonder if I will ever get this right And the earth circles the sun And I still rush the kids when we should go slow and silence them when I should listen And I don't yell by raising my voice, but the tone is just so harsh, so demanding When I teach them about being gentle And … [Read more...]
Remembering Our Hope….
In the quiet after the loud tongues of those shouting crucify, or the voices of the soldiers casting lots - after the argument of the thieves beside Jesus on the cross, the whisper of that Savior letting go. After the bloddy spilling of grace - him ripped wide open so that we made be made whole, the despair of a mother, the confusing job of wrapping a king - the savior in burial cloth, his throne never taken. After the laying of the cold … [Read more...]
A Post From the Archives... Lent was a term I didn't grow up with and yet it has me broken to pieces. I am unwound, shattered, heaving in the memory of the Christ-man's donkey ride to impending torment, torture, and death. He willingly went, and He knew what was to come. My heart aches, screaming for Him to avoid the pain - the betrayal, the denial, the whips ripping flesh and bruising bone. The public display of disgrace turned to flag-waiving, glory-freedom shining bright … [Read more...]
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
We made this last year for our favorite soldier in Afghanistan, but I thought I would re-post it to Wish you all a Merry Chirstmas once again this year! Enjoy! … [Read more...]